Wednesday, April 14, 2010

finals = death

So as many of you are probably experiencing, and by you, I just mean me, because I don't really think anyone is checking up on little ol' Lucy - I have been dominated by studying for finals. It wasn't a very good idea to not study over the Easter long weekend just because it was nice outside - bad mistake. Anyway, let me take you through my adventures of trying to prepare for calculus:

Today, once again, I slept in about a half an hour after I was planning to wake up and take a shower, so I woke up for about 8:40 to make my 9:30 calculus class. I made it to class a little after 9:45, late, as usual. Sat in, took the review notes he had to offer. After the class, it was my prof's office hours, for about 2 hours once a week where you can go in ask questions. Now, I had previously been doing past finals and was running into many problems, mostly because this course is too fakking confusing. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FIND A SECOND ORDER DERIVATIVE OF CHAIN RULE?~?!! So I went to ask him about the Jacobian Determinant, which i KNOW he went over in class, but did it ever occur to some people that we still may not understand it, just because you talked about it ONCE? So I asked him, "How do you figure out the determinant if you have F as a function of bleh bleh and X as a function of bleh bleh, etc, etc". He looked at me, and told me to hold out my hand, so I did (palm facing up), which then he hit me repetitive times (gently though) in the palm of my hand and accused me of skipping class! EXCUSE MEEEE! I can recall a few classes I missed:

1) I was calling the McGill health clinic to make a fucken appointment and I was on hold for 20 minutes. We were also just doing review of series and sequences from MATH141, and it was the fucking ratio test, I already know how to do the ratio test, so by the time I booked my appointment, I just didn't go to the last 15 minutes of the class (keep in mind, I was already late).

2) I was SICK! It may have been the first, second, third OR FOURTH time that I was sick, but I definitely had to miss a class because I couldn't pull myself out of bed.

3) I SLEPT IN!! I NEVER sleep in that way. I was planning to wake up at 8:30, my alarm clock didn't go off, so I woke up at 11:30, it was not a good day, because I also missed my POLI conference, fuck.

4) It was already 8:50 when I checked my clock and I knew he was just doing review on stuff I didn't know yet, so I didn't bother.

AND keep in mind I attended almost EVERY class at 8:30am on MWF's at McGill, I think I missed 1 class on polar co-ordinates, and I caught up no problem.

Anyways, he accused me of skipping, even though he doesn't realize I am ten minutes late everyday. I always sit in the front to his left, because that's the entrance way I enter and if you don't sit up close you can't see his notes. He then explained the Jacobian Determinant to me, and it seemed okay, something that I will have to keep in mind from now on. I actually had a TON of questions to ask about how to do what, but I didn't bother asking even half of them because I didn't want him to make me feel even stupider than I already felt. Also, there were other students inside waiting to ask questions that heard and saw everything. He then proceeded to ask me what faculty I was in, and I said general engineering. He was curious as to why a U1 student is in a general engineering program, when I told him I was in U0 and I simply obtained my MATH140 credit and skipped straight to MATH141 (thank god). He then said, "Who did you take 141 with?" and I stared at him blankly, "You.....", and he said "I don't remember seeing you ever!", TURN ME OFF! I only came to EVERY CLASS AT 8:30 AM and sat in the FRONT 3 ROWS on the same side each time. Not only that but I got such a head start in that course that I was doing practise finals about 2-3 weeks before the final, so I was in there for every office hour he had (which was MORE THAN ONE TIME A WEEK BACK THEN, this is super inconveinient, plus he has no TA's we can go to instead...). I've also gone to him a few times at the beginning of THIS semester and asked him WTF a Taylor series was, and he accused me of skipping class, AGAIN.

Did I mention that this was my fourth time being sick of 2010? It sucks, yes. So I still have a deep cough and a runny nose, but the rest of me is good. So while I'm explaining that I'm from Winnipeg and NOT BC or the USA, I coughed. He then pauses, and goes to his book shelf and pulls out a can of LYSOL, and SPRAYS ME WITH IT!!!! It wasn't a quick spritz either, he actually held his finger on the can thinger for a solid 20 seconds about a foot away from my face and was spraying down that entire area that I had occupied (while the other students were watching). I then packed up my things and thanked him for a wonderful year of calculus. But non sarcastically. I really enjoyed MATH141.

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