Wednesday, April 7, 2010

time to kick it in gear

Okay so I got back from the library, and made some mac&cheese, so why not blog a little? Not much as happened since the last one. Cept the mac&cheese, I suppose that's reason enough.

Plan for tonight: work my ass off and not see any of my friends tonight. It's my punishment for sleeping in until noon when I was SUPPOSED to be up at 8am. SO I missed my poli sci conference, my calculus class and my calc prof's office hours. Not a good day for me. And I missed chemistry class but whutevah whutevah.

Physics..... hmmm... that one's a little problematic.... I am terrified to my very core for physics. Calculus I am also terrified for. Sociology... don't get me started. And chemistry, whateva whateva, but still, terrified. Not so much for poli sci, but closer to exam time, you will probably hear me freaking out somewhere.

My mac&cheese is getting dry.

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