Wednesday, April 14, 2010

finals = death

So as many of you are probably experiencing, and by you, I just mean me, because I don't really think anyone is checking up on little ol' Lucy - I have been dominated by studying for finals. It wasn't a very good idea to not study over the Easter long weekend just because it was nice outside - bad mistake. Anyway, let me take you through my adventures of trying to prepare for calculus:

Today, once again, I slept in about a half an hour after I was planning to wake up and take a shower, so I woke up for about 8:40 to make my 9:30 calculus class. I made it to class a little after 9:45, late, as usual. Sat in, took the review notes he had to offer. After the class, it was my prof's office hours, for about 2 hours once a week where you can go in ask questions. Now, I had previously been doing past finals and was running into many problems, mostly because this course is too fakking confusing. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FIND A SECOND ORDER DERIVATIVE OF CHAIN RULE?~?!! So I went to ask him about the Jacobian Determinant, which i KNOW he went over in class, but did it ever occur to some people that we still may not understand it, just because you talked about it ONCE? So I asked him, "How do you figure out the determinant if you have F as a function of bleh bleh and X as a function of bleh bleh, etc, etc". He looked at me, and told me to hold out my hand, so I did (palm facing up), which then he hit me repetitive times (gently though) in the palm of my hand and accused me of skipping class! EXCUSE MEEEE! I can recall a few classes I missed:

1) I was calling the McGill health clinic to make a fucken appointment and I was on hold for 20 minutes. We were also just doing review of series and sequences from MATH141, and it was the fucking ratio test, I already know how to do the ratio test, so by the time I booked my appointment, I just didn't go to the last 15 minutes of the class (keep in mind, I was already late).

2) I was SICK! It may have been the first, second, third OR FOURTH time that I was sick, but I definitely had to miss a class because I couldn't pull myself out of bed.

3) I SLEPT IN!! I NEVER sleep in that way. I was planning to wake up at 8:30, my alarm clock didn't go off, so I woke up at 11:30, it was not a good day, because I also missed my POLI conference, fuck.

4) It was already 8:50 when I checked my clock and I knew he was just doing review on stuff I didn't know yet, so I didn't bother.

AND keep in mind I attended almost EVERY class at 8:30am on MWF's at McGill, I think I missed 1 class on polar co-ordinates, and I caught up no problem.

Anyways, he accused me of skipping, even though he doesn't realize I am ten minutes late everyday. I always sit in the front to his left, because that's the entrance way I enter and if you don't sit up close you can't see his notes. He then explained the Jacobian Determinant to me, and it seemed okay, something that I will have to keep in mind from now on. I actually had a TON of questions to ask about how to do what, but I didn't bother asking even half of them because I didn't want him to make me feel even stupider than I already felt. Also, there were other students inside waiting to ask questions that heard and saw everything. He then proceeded to ask me what faculty I was in, and I said general engineering. He was curious as to why a U1 student is in a general engineering program, when I told him I was in U0 and I simply obtained my MATH140 credit and skipped straight to MATH141 (thank god). He then said, "Who did you take 141 with?" and I stared at him blankly, "You.....", and he said "I don't remember seeing you ever!", TURN ME OFF! I only came to EVERY CLASS AT 8:30 AM and sat in the FRONT 3 ROWS on the same side each time. Not only that but I got such a head start in that course that I was doing practise finals about 2-3 weeks before the final, so I was in there for every office hour he had (which was MORE THAN ONE TIME A WEEK BACK THEN, this is super inconveinient, plus he has no TA's we can go to instead...). I've also gone to him a few times at the beginning of THIS semester and asked him WTF a Taylor series was, and he accused me of skipping class, AGAIN.

Did I mention that this was my fourth time being sick of 2010? It sucks, yes. So I still have a deep cough and a runny nose, but the rest of me is good. So while I'm explaining that I'm from Winnipeg and NOT BC or the USA, I coughed. He then pauses, and goes to his book shelf and pulls out a can of LYSOL, and SPRAYS ME WITH IT!!!! It wasn't a quick spritz either, he actually held his finger on the can thinger for a solid 20 seconds about a foot away from my face and was spraying down that entire area that I had occupied (while the other students were watching). I then packed up my things and thanked him for a wonderful year of calculus. But non sarcastically. I really enjoyed MATH141.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Please excuse my ignorance, Einstein did not say F=ma, it was Newton.... And as an engineer I am glad I caught myself before someone else did because it's truely embarassing. Einstein said E=mc^2 but in all honesty I haven't had to use that equation yet... What else did Einstein say?? Hmmmm...

Continuation of GG discussion, I realized I cut myself short.

-when Jenny got roofied she should have been left to rot and get raped
-she was seriously considering losing her V to Damien short man drugdealer creepo? TURN ME OFF
-I'm not on board with Serena and Nate, actually I never approve of the people they date, Bree Bucktoothed? Aaron Rosegayflower? VANESSA? Turn me off... Again

you may wonder if I am putting off my sociology reading to update right now, you'd be correct.

it's time to just keep swimming... my friend Ashley Cyr quoted from Finding Nemo in her philosophy final at the U of M.

Turns out I need to figure out my major FAST but that requires me to pass all of my courses. So naturally, I am at the library updating my blog.

GOSSIP GIRL: let's discuss.

Okay, I have a serious problem with this picture.
A) Why are Blair and Jenny linking arms? Jenny is a stupid mother fucken bitch who thinks she's such hot shit. SHE'S 16! and two years ago she was a 14 social climbing freak. She's so ungrateful and she has the worst taste in men.
B) Why is Nate leading the pack? TURN ME OFF (c) Alison and Adam.
D) This is irrelivent to the picture, but where the fuck did Georgina go? And I seriously wanna know what she did to Poppi.
E) Are Serena and Dan going to end up together? I assumed it was a Ross and Rachel sort of relationship, but it all just seems too fucked up with their parents fucking right now.

Okay now that the picture has been discussed:

Blair and Chuck..... what will happen? If I were Blair i don't think i could forgive Chuck, it was pretty low of him, but at the same time I want them to work everything out! Chuck.. chuckchuckhucklez... what were you thinking? If you REALLY wanted Blair to fuck your uncle for your hotel, you could have brought it up to her, and I'm sure she would have offered (she's done it already anyway), you didn't have to TRICK HER !!!! I don't know, this is a mess, but at least GG is picking up the pace, it was starting to get dull.

ps. Does anyone else think that the dress Blair wore to 'fuck' Jack with was amazingly beautiful? I wish I could pull that off. And Jack, what is with the beard?

Anyway, as my friend Albert Einstein would say... F=ma... or F=BILsin(theta), which means Lucy has got to start MAD studying for the physics final.. in which she is very anxious and worried about.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

time to kick it in gear

Okay so I got back from the library, and made some mac&cheese, so why not blog a little? Not much as happened since the last one. Cept the mac&cheese, I suppose that's reason enough.

Plan for tonight: work my ass off and not see any of my friends tonight. It's my punishment for sleeping in until noon when I was SUPPOSED to be up at 8am. SO I missed my poli sci conference, my calculus class and my calc prof's office hours. Not a good day for me. And I missed chemistry class but whutevah whutevah.

Physics..... hmmm... that one's a little problematic.... I am terrified to my very core for physics. Calculus I am also terrified for. Sociology... don't get me started. And chemistry, whateva whateva, but still, terrified. Not so much for poli sci, but closer to exam time, you will probably hear me freaking out somewhere.

My mac&cheese is getting dry.

I feel that "sinners" and "saints" should be the other way around

I'm sorry, is it totally bad that Alison has gotten me stoked on blogging? I enjoy reading about her everyday occurrence especially with Richardo the Sandwich artist. I'd like to send a shout out to Alison. TURN ME ON. I'm kidding, I won't keep using that.

Blog names are hard to come up with. I was thinking of Alexisonfire's official homepage ;, and thought it would be cool to do something similar, UNFORTUNATELY, was taken. SORT OF REDUNDANT to add a #2 to the end of that, but all enjoy the irony.

BY THE WAY, I actually created this blog whilst sitting in the Schulich library, attempting to study. CALCULUS, mother fuckers.

This is me. Well this is what I should be doing right now.

This is what calculus should look like more often. Of course, any person who took simple high school calculus would know that finding the derivative of an integral is simply the function itself. FTC must be used, the cloud seems to be our variable here. The bounds don't need to changed because the constant is on the bottom. And chain rule isn't involved, so it's pretty easy ; the answer would be 'Cloud'. Well I think... it's been a while since I looked at FTC. ANYWAY, that is probably all the calculus I will be doing today. Sorry for boring you.

Back to studying. Wish me luck.